I have this idea
I have had it for a while now maybe about 7 weeks....?
South Africa i adore but if i really want to go there and live there i need more, I need to know its definitely right and first and for most i need to learn about the country. AFRICA
So crazy idea......but go with it.....
All these African countries some how connect or are close
Algeria-Northern Boarder
Madagascar-East island
Malawi -South East
Mozanbique-South East
Nigeria- West
South Africa
Angola-South West Boarder
Okay so there might be a few but how awesome would it be to travel though all of them, on the way finding little children homes, schools, communities and helping them with what i do...dance & drama? Experience happens both ways...right?
My biggest fear about this is doing it alone, but i know if i am meant to do it or if i am meant to do it with someone that that person will present themselves at a given time. So in my spare time (not that i have much) I have been looking at children homes in these countries and how to get from one to the other.....it is definitely a working progress but one i hope to achieve maybe by the time i am 30??
But as always with these things who knows what will happen, by them Mr Right might have come along, but i sure as hell ain't ganna put my plans on hold for him at this moment in my life!
To be continued.....