Wednesday, 29 February 2012

One crazy BIG idea

I have this idea

I have had it for a while now maybe about 7 weeks....?
South Africa i adore but if i really want to go there and live there i need more, I need to know its definitely right and first and for most i need to learn about the country. AFRICA

So crazy idea......but go with it.....
All these African countries some how connect or are close 
Algeria-Northern Boarder
Madagascar-East island
Malawi -South East
Mozanbique-South East
Nigeria- West
South Africa
Angola-South West Boarder
Okay so there might be a few but how awesome would it be to travel though all of them, on the way finding little children homes, schools, communities and helping them with what i & drama? Experience happens both ways...right? 
My biggest fear about this is doing it alone, but i know if i am meant to do it or if i am meant to do it with someone that that person will present themselves at a given time.  So in my spare time (not that i have much) I have been looking at children homes in these countries and how to get from one to the is definitely a working progress but one i hope to achieve maybe by the time i am 30??

But as always with these things who knows what will happen, by them Mr Right might have come along, but i sure as hell ain't ganna put my plans on hold for him at this moment in my life! 

To be continued.....


Sunday, 19 February 2012

Untitled x

There’s that moment when you stop
and think how life has gone
the mazes we have passed through
and the dreams that will go on

I smell
I see it
The image is there.
I am there again with you
In an instant its gone, fading away like a distant sun
I try to get it back,
but I can't..... nothing works

It'll happen again and take me by surprise
maybe that’s how it's was meant to be
it happens when I needed you most
Reminding me your always their
I just can’t hold you close.

There so much to tell you
So more that I have missed
I wish we had another day so we could share a kiss

I'll grow as you do to
But not towards each other
I know you'll grow up big & strong
But I really hoped one day,
That I could be your mother.

Some paths are meant to cross
And ours entwined together
But now that they are broken
There is a storm that we must weather

A storm that rages in my heart
For each breath i take we are apart

But know now this,
I see the sun each night, each day,
I think of you in every way,
The light you  brought into my life
The nights that i used to hold you tight.

I'll watch that sun as you do to,
The same bright light
Will always be in our sight.
From different worlds we watch it rise
With different dreams we'll watch it set.

My heart is full of hope for you
But all the time its breaking too.
For now we follow our paths set out.

But watch that sun
Its constant light will guide you home
It warmth with hold you when you’re alone.

So now go forth and find the world,
Your path is ready, to create your stories.

Proud moments, just need to be recorded!

So this week twice I have been brought to tears by the man i love most in my life, my dad. I have written about him before so i wont drag on, but this week he opened a West End Musical that was originally his idea. I can't tell you how exciting the whole night (and party) was. But mostly the best moment was one of 2 things. The final number giving a standing ovation with him, knowing he had created something so special, that this musical makes me so happy and so many people will feel the same way too, and i am related to the guy that did that! Secondly that Micheal Parkinson said it was fantastic! hehe

So the other instance was today, at an small awards ceremony dad collected a best regional show for Sweeney Todd with Micheal Ball, and made a speech-something he hates doing!

This man taught me everything i know, and brought me up to be who i am today. I strive to achioeve aas much as he has, and hope i live up to his expectations. But most of all i am glad i can call him Dad, because i will always be his little girl and that what i love the most. Not the parties or the free tickets him its all him.


Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Africa Necklace....x

I cannot take the credit for finding this as my beautiful American Friend found it, but i want one soo badly! If anyone would like to buy me it i'd love you forever!


Saturday, 11 February 2012

Paper Birds.....and a few other things xx

On Thursday i saw a devised piece by Paper Birds who i have always wanted to see! There piece provoked the question 'Why do we drink?'. This makes me question myself? I have never been a big drinker, watching the piece they touch a few times on those 18 year old Uni girl student who party hard.....i never did that. Sometime i feel i missed out, maybe there's something in going through those years, but mostly i am glad i just never have had to suffer the hang over! Now i at Uni at the age of 20, drinking is something i do once a week if i have the time! But why do we do it? We go out to a bar, or with the girls and we drink....because society says that's what Western society does? Or because we like to let go? Feel less self conscious? Release any inhibitions? Sometime i want to drink to forget, be distracted from those voices in my head. The ones that constantly wonder, hope & dream that i wont be alone much longer...or that i'll figure out these crazy plans in my head and one day they'll just form or i'll know!

This week my friend have got me watching One Born Every Minute! Something i never thought i'd watch because of the screaming and the painfulness of birth, but i have to say it is like that but what you forget is the ending, the part that you have waited 50 minutes for!! When a new born baby is handed to its mother for the first time, their eyes meet and the love that is share, and we get to watch that. How amazing it must be in those fleeting seconds to be a mid wife!

This week i have really missed my friends back at home! Em got a new job which i am so excited about, i spoke to Will today, not sure how the others are but they seem fine from facebook, i think next week i should aim to call them even if its brief. I hate the idea that i am not making enough of an effort, but i suppose i have to know that we all have separate lives and now come together only a few holidays in the year....but i need to make them count, i love them all so much. I miss them constantly when i miss home, their part of a huge process i went through when i left Plymouth at 16, they took me in and be-friended me when no one else did :)

Miss Mum & Dad at the moment its week 5 of Uni next week and it has gone so fast! We will be half way, so i am glad i will be seeing the parents on Wednesday in London even if it is only brief and Dad is working!
